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investing 跟读、翻译解释、例句:


英 [ɪnvestɪŋ] investing英式发音

英 [ɪnvestɪŋ] investing英式发音

v. 投资,花费( invest的现在分词 );授予;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);

[ 例句 ] As the market develops, investing is becoming more sophisticated.

[ 释义 ] 市场发展了, 投资也随之趋于复杂.

investing 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.gongjubiao.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Hardly anyone thought of investing the money.

[ 释义 ] 几乎没什麽人考虑要将钱拿去做投资.

investing 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.gongjubiao.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Do you have the experience in investing in Stock, Futures or Foreign Exchange?

[ 释义 ] 您有股票或者期货、外汇的投资经验 吗 么?

investing 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.gongjubiao.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] The financial crisis taught most of the investing world a lesson about managing risk.

[ 释义 ] 金融危机给绝大多数投资者都上了一堂风险管理课程.

investing 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.gongjubiao.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Unlike other business investments , however , art investing isn't as regulated or exact an industry.

[ 释义 ] 相对于其他商业投资, 艺术投资较无规律可寻.

investing 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.gongjubiao.com/CET4/

investing 其他中文含义:
1 falloff 2 sedate 3 metal drum 4 wile 5 fragile 6 hold up 7 incenses 8 pastoral 9 formals 10 musca volitans 11 closings 12 feisty 13 trammeled 14 lower rank 15 sailor boy 16 cajoled 17 on the battlefield 18 batterings 19 unretentive 20 counterpunch 21 rule book 22 conjoins 23 stretched 24 catchment area 25 pestles 26 naif 27 darting 28 consistent 29 majorgeneral 30 clew 31 meters 32 asfollows 33 twerp 34 send round the hat 35 wellness 36 chew the fat 37 effuse 38 anticyclones 39 too soon 40 serve up 41 reprinting 42 gauged 43 mail carrier 44 unreached 45 shoddy 46 flicker 47 ingathering 48 table mustard 49 considers 50 rapper 51 blaze out 52 thunderbolts 53 a bolt out of the blue 54 valve 55 wear out 56 cover girl 57 obliterates 58 carewor 59 nothing to do with 60 attaches 61 filamentous 62 visual aspect 63 blissfulness 64 wrawl 65 spasmodic 66 papa 67 requesting 68 repent 69 salad dressings 70 vaunts 71 birdie 72 make down 73 lunge 74 pins and needles 75 boldest 76 bitching 77 protectio 78 nudged 79 standards of admission 80 solder 81 severance 82 linger over 83 decoding 84 shiftiness 85 hirudinean 86 aspiring 87 discussions 88 twiddles 89 colorings 90 dish out 91 predetermine 92 thinness 93 free rein 94 emblematical 95 opprobrium 96 gross profit 97 bear a part in 98 flunk out 99 holdoff 100 stylus 101 outflanking 102 sack up 103 well and truly 104 check up 105 muck up 106 superintended 107 chevron 108 plumb line 109 post card 110 seduction 111 bushelled 112 normalise 113 lour 114 rubber eraser 115 agribusiness 116 only too 117 head home 118 park 119 tour operators 120 blue-chip stock 121 budgeting 122 food chain 123 make peace 124 housewives 125 not-too-distant future 126 submit 127 shinier 128 shimmying 129 risky venture 130 collates 131 piece of ass 132 bifurcates 133 frequently 134 exteriorise 135 whisks 136 stone pit 137 of import 138 grudges 139 oftentimes 140 gyration 141 seal in 142 brew 143 sluice down 144 subverter 145 unchangeable 146 segmenting 147 funks 148 orbiter 149 stomach 150 clap 151 lose out 152 keens 153 catch a glimpse of 154 mouthfuls 155 summation 156 present difficulties 157 cranking 158 more technical 159 bash out 160 make a hole in 161 cleansing 162 flash out 163 go to bed 164 skin rash 165 relied 166 quite too 167 nonverbal 168 not have a clue 169 plumb in 170 unfavourable 171 indelicate 172 crumb 173 spiel 174 at a great lick 175 chorus line 176 indecorum 177 disturbed 178 proprietor 179 twitched 180 sea bass 181 gouge out 182 taproom 183 circumstance 184 fatty tissue 185 decidedly 186 irrupting 187 succumbs 188 marrow squash 189 colourful 190 denotive 191 soldiership 192 pass sth back 193 tip the scales at 194 ambuscade 195 apologias 196 interrogatory 197 puzzle out 198 dash 199 deprecated 200 podgy
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